It started out simply enough. I've been working hard on my new project - and had been doing most of it on the roof of the new building. Who knew that would become a tourist destination eh? Complete strangers keep popping up in front of me asking what I'm doing.
I'd finally had enough so I decided to use the skybox rezzer that came in the Designer Showcase Network drop the other day. Simple enough and it worked great.
Then I thought the simplest thing to do would be to "take" the stuff I was working on and then rezz it as a group in the skybox. I should have just "taken a copy". Seems I was overly aggressive when I highlighted the parts I wanted - but they didn't look highlighted, honest!
So fine I rezzed the huge group again and prepared to put it all back where it belonged. However. I don't seem to have modify permissions on these things anymore. sigh
So I'll take the dog for a walk. Come back and delete the stuff in the wrong place and start again.
Some days ...................