Thursday, May 21, 2009

Well sh*t

It started out simply enough. I've been working hard on my new project - and had been doing most of it on the roof of the new building. Who knew that would become a tourist destination eh? Complete strangers keep popping up in front of me asking what I'm doing.

I'd finally had enough so I decided to use the skybox rezzer that came in the Designer Showcase Network drop the other day. Simple enough and it worked great.

Then I thought the simplest thing to do would be to "take" the stuff I was working on and then rezz it as a group in the skybox. I should have just "taken a copy". Seems I was overly aggressive when I highlighted the parts I wanted - but they didn't look highlighted, honest!

So fine I rezzed the huge group again and prepared to put it all back where it belonged. However. I don't seem to have modify permissions on these things anymore. sigh

So I'll take the dog for a walk. Come back and delete the stuff in the wrong place and start again.

Some days ...................


Anonymous said...

Oh no. no, no, no, no. please tell me they aren't all lost???? i must be reading this incorrectly. you have to start at the beginning??? i am so very very sorry.

Honour McMillan said...

no they aren't lost - relax! I have to rebuild the store ... that's all! really! Honest!

Dale Innis said...

I do hate it when that happens...

(I learned about the "locked" switch that time that I accidentally Took my entire skybox-lab, instead of the one small prim I was reaching for.)

Honour McMillan said...

SL is good for character building lessons :)