Monday, March 2, 2009

Mustang Trading Post

Next door to Aintree Gardens is the Mustang Trading Post owned by my friend Jon Ree and there's a convenient path you can take to go visit. I found the store long before we met. In my early days of SL I would go looking for places that reflected what I love in RL and included in those things I love is the american southwest and navajo jewellry. Jon makes the most beautifully detailed jewelery for both men and women.

I don't wear jewelery very often - too busy gardening. But when I do it's usually his. I love his bracelets/cuffs and usually have one on. In addition his earrings and necklaces are fabulous. I'm no model but I wanted to show you one of the pieces I love.

Next to Aintree he also has this great barn for sale - I wish I had a place to put it. :)

Jon recently added another store for furniture.

I love his work - it's detailed and very high quality. You should check him out. :)

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