Saturday, February 26, 2011

World's End Garden, Bark & Dandelions in Second Life

There is an artist named Bark who shares her photographs on Koinup - an artist so good it makes me want to just delete the camera button inworld and stop even pretending I know what I'm doing.

However, if I don't include photos this would be a really really boring blog and then I'd have to keep trying more words to come up with something vaguely interesting and the posts would get longer and longer and more rambling and incoherent and ....... never mind. I'll just keep plugging along.

Where was I? Oh yes, Bark. Her photos inspired me to visit two sims today, the first being the World's End Garden. There is so much artistry in Second Life that I think I'm going to have to revive a project I had started planning. I'll explain that random comment on a future occasion - in the meantime, use your little teleporter and go visit this extraordinary vision of the "end". Make sure you have your music turned on. :)

The second build I went to see had me initially thinking it was another view of the end of the world. But if you wander around a bit you'll find a cab that will take you someplace so out of the ordinary you'll forget it's a shopping experience.

The "mall" on Dandelion State has, what I am sure, are fabulous products. I just couldn't get past the build. The next time I want to "shop" I'll go back and actually look at what's on offer. :)

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