This isn't going to change any world - but I did finally master Blender to the point that I created an honest to gawd sculpty that's good enough to use. :)
Now I can do more interesting stuff. Learning the tool is boring but I know it's necessary. It's much easier to be motivated when you're creating something and not merely trying to figure stuff out .... not that I've figured it all out. I just finally understand enough to be able to work on some of the things I want to create.
Yay me! :)
Yay Honour! What a great vase! And if everybody spent more time getting Blender to work that way, I guess no-one would have had time to disturb world peace....
Yay You! I am always impressed by your work and can't wait to see what you do with your new skills.
@Cris - thank you, but I think world leaders would take one look at Blender and go back to fighting :)
@Ches - thank you, but pressure much? :)
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