The recent Fantasy Faire inspired me to do something I've never tried, experience the world as a mer um "person". I started at the sim of Tekelili Tantalus (which is worth some time exploring on its own) and emerged as a Lion Fish. A very cool look if I do say so myself.
I then went to visit the underwater build off the coast of Port Babbage. I assume you've all visited the Steampunk heaven that is the group of Babbage sims. If not, I'll make a special trip there soon to show you what you've been missing.
The Vernian Deep is a cool complex of tunnels and rooms which give you a view into the world beneath the sea. However, if you have a tail and fins you can swim around and peer into the windows like I did. :)
There were times I peeked into the tunnels and started to debate regaining my "upright" form but I was determined to learn how to swim and navigate with my new form. I did OK but I'm not entering any Neptunian skills competitions in the near future. :)
I did enjoy my time wearing scales and will go to one of the "mer" sims once I've practiced some more.
In the meantime the Vernian Deep was a great place to explore (all 3 sims mentioned today are rated Moderate maturity). It's a good reminder that Steampunk isn't all airships and steam-driven factories. I heartily recommend you try both of my adventures from today.
Put on some scales and practice swishing that tail. If you think watching your butt sway as you walk down the street inworld is a little disconcerting, just wait til you've spent some time watching it wriggle through the water!
Tres cool. Thanks.
You are very welcome :)
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