Saturday, March 26, 2011

A Distressed Landscape In Second Life

I took time out from the Burnal Equinox this morning to go visit a lovely store called Distressed Textures situated on Eternidad (moderate maturity rating). There is a peace and calmness about this island that brings back the feeling of warm spring days in the country.

I saw a couple sitting on the end of the pier with their feet dangling over the edge just staring out into the water and chatting. You could feel the warm sunlight and hear the water - it's a very evocative landscape.

And, yes, of course I played around with windlight a bit. Those sliders are addictive but the build has an impact without them. It's a fabulous study in minimalism and the colours and textures are sublime.

I adore textures even when I'm not actively building anything. This is a terrific place to go seek out new ones and just enjoy what the designer has created. Eternidad is a must see.

I've added Eternidad to the page listing my explorations by maturity rating. I still need to find more "general" locations and I'm working on it. :)

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